
Peterborough Sportsman’s Club


Article I

Name and Incorporation

The name of this organization shall be “The Peterborough Sportsman’s Club,” (also known as “The Peterborough Sportsmen’s Club”), hereinafter referred to as “the club,” and it shall be incorporated as a not-for-profit corporation according to the laws of the State of New Hampshire.

Article II


The purposes of the club shall be to foster the essentials of good sportsmanship, (for example: honesty, safety, self discipline, good fellowship, self reliance and fair play;) to develop better sportsmen and women by providing programs in various shooting and other sporting disciplines, (such as fishing, archery, and camping,) and to aid the individual in becoming a more skilled marksman or woman through the provision of indoor and outdoor shooting ranges of various kinds; to educate the general public about the benefits of the shooting sports and other similar activities; and to support and promote the wise use of outdoor wilderness sporting areas.

The club recognizes the importance of fostering good shooting habits and discipline in our youth, and encourages participation by member’s families, but only in accordance with the club’s safety rules, range regulations, .and all applicable statutory provisions.

Article III

Administrative and Membership Year

The club’s Administrative Year shall be from January first through December thirty-first, both dates inclusive. The Membership and Fiscal Years shall coincide with the Administrative Year. The term “year” in these by laws shall be taken to indicate “Administrative Year,” unless specified otherwise.

Article IV


A.      Any person in accord with the club’s purposes may apply for membership. Race, sex, religion, or creed shall not be held as bars to membership.

B.       General Membership Requirements. All prospective members must satisfy all of the following requirements.

1.        Has completed all documentation as may be required including but not necessarily limited to:

a.        A written application for membership, to include a signed agreement to comply with all the requirements specified therein;

b.       A disclaimer/waiver of liability form; and statement that these by-laws and the club’s general safety rules have been received, are understood, and will be adhered to;

2.        Has paid all applicable dues and fees;

3.        Has been accepted by a majority vote of the Executive Board.

C.    New member’s names and their town and state of residence shall be posted at the Clubhouse.

D.      Challenges.

1.     Any voting member may challenge a member’s application. Such challenges may be made verbally at an Executive Board meeting or in writing to the Secretary. The Executive Board will consider membership challenges and shall respond in not more than ninety days from the date of the challenge.

2.     In the event of a successful challenge against a new member, all dues for the current year paid to the club by the member or on the member’s behalf shall be refunded in full.

E.     Bars to Membership. Any of the following shall be grounds for denial of club membership, and shall also constitute grounds for membership challenges. The individual must be proven to:

1.        Have submitted a fraudulent or willfully falsified membership application; or

2.        Have been convicted of a felony, absent a pardon for that offense; or

3.        Have an active, court-ordered restraining order placed upon him or her; or

4.        Have violated the laws regulating hunting, fishing, or the taking of wild game. or

5.        Have engaged in wanton destruction of club property; or

6.        Have participated in verbal or non-verbal actions deleterious to the good name and repute of the club as a whole or of its individual members.

F.     Categories of Membership.

1.     Regular. Regular Members shall have completed all the requirements set forth in Article IV §B1 through §B3, and shall have attained the age required by statute for the possession of firearms. Regular Members shall enjoy all the benefits of membership, may vote in club affairs, and are eligible to hold club office after having been a member in good standing for one (1) year or more.

2.     Family. Relatives of Regular Members who meet all the statutory requirements for the possession and use of firearms and who are resident in a Regular Member’s household may apply for Family Membership. Family Membership applicants must have completed all the requirements set forth in Article IV §B1 through §B3, and the documentation specified in Article IV §B2 must be countersigned by the sponsoring Regular Member. Family Membership terminates simultaneously with that of the sponsoring Regular Member or immediately when the co-residency requirement ceases to be met. During any given Administrative Year, an individual already a Family Member may become a Regular Member upon payment of the difference between Regular and Family Membership dues.

3.     Honorary. Person’s not otherwise members of the club may be extended Honorary Membership for outstanding service to the club, community, area, state, or nation. Honorary Membership shall in no case be in effect for a period extending past the next-occurring Annual Meeting, but may be renewed at that meeting. Selection shall require a ⅔ majority vote of the Executive Board and a majority vote of the membership present at any regular business meeting or special meeting called for the purpose of such voting. Honorary Members shall be eligible to participate in all club activities absent any statutory bar to their participation, but shall neither be empowered to vote in club affairs nor be eligible to hold club office.

4.     Life. Regular Members who have accumulated ten or more year’s continuous membership and who have rendered outstanding long-term service to the club may, with the approval of the Executive Board and a ⅔ majority vote of the membership at the Annual Election Meeting, be granted Life Membership in the club. Life Members shall enjoy all the privileges of Regular Membership, but shall not be assessed annual dues.

G.    A copy of these by-laws and all Range Regulations shall be given to each person of every membership category.

H.    Membership Dues and Fees.

1.     Regular Membership dues shall be determined by the membership at the Annual Election Meeting for the ensuing year, and shall remain in force until the subsequent election meeting. Annual dues may be prorated during the year as decided by the Executive Board. New members may be required to pay an initiation fee, which shall be determined by the membership at the Annual Election Meeting.

2.     Annual dues are payable at any time after they have been set by the membership. Any person who held club membership during the immediately-preceding Administrative Year and who has not paid his or her dues as of the first day of the fourth month of the current Administrative Year shall be considered a nonmember, but may reinstate their membership at any time during the current Administrative Year by payment of the appropriate dues. In the event that dues are not paid on or before the last day of the current Administrative Year, the individual must reapply for membership in the club. Club membership granted by such reapplication shall be considered noncontinuous.

3.     Annual dues may be changed at the Annual Election Meeting. All or a portion of the annual dues may be reduced in whole or in part for good cause and on a case-by-case basis by the Executive Board.

4.     Special Dues Schedule.

a.     Senior Members: As assessed at the Annual Election Meeting. Persons sixty-five years of age or more and who have five or more years of continuous membership may be granted a dues reduction of not more than 25% of the annual dues as may be decided by the membership at the Annual Election Meeting.

b.     Family Members: Not more than 50% of the annual dues assessed Regular Members and as may be decided by the membership at the Annual Election Meeting.

c.     Honorary Members: No dues assessed.

d.     Life Members: No dues assessed.

e.     Dues Discounts for Service: The Executive Board may consider reduction of any member’s dues for a period of one year based upon that member’s service to the club. Any such consideration will be on an individual, case-by-case basis.

Article V


A.    The club shall conduct not fewer than five (5) regular business meetings during each Administrative Year, two of which shall be scheduled as follows and for the indicated purposes.

1.     A regular business meeting of the club for the purpose of nominating officers for the ensuing year and any other necessary business shall be held during the eleventh month of the Administrative Year. The date, time, and place shall be as decided at the previous annual meeting, or, if no such date, time, and place were decided, as fixed by the Executive Board.

2.     An annual meeting of the club for the purposes of electing the ensuing year’s officers, setting the ensuing year’s dues, scheduling the ensuing year’s regular business meetings, and the conduct of any other necessary business shall be held during the last month of the Administrative Year. The date, time, and place shall be as decided at the previous annual meeting, or, if no such date, time, and place were decided, as fixed by the Executive Board.

B.    The date, time, and place for all other meetings shall be as fixed by the Executive Board.

C.    Special Meetings may be held at any time upon the call of the President or the Executive Board, and must be called upon written petition of not less than 25% of the voting membership, clearly setting forth the reason for the special meeting. The Executive Board shall fix the date, time, and place of all special meetings. Notice of the date, time, place, and purpose of any special meeting must be given to the membership not less than 72 hours prior to the date and time fixed for that meeting. Only that business for which a special meeting has been called may be transacted at that special meeting.

D.    Seven (7) voting members in good standing, at least one (1) of whom shall be a duly elected club officer, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any regular, annual, or special business meeting.

E.     Regular business meetings and the annual meeting shall be conducted in accordance with the generally-accepted rules of parliamentary procedure. The order of business shall include, but is not necessarily limited to:

1.     Call to order, and Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.

2.     Roll call of officers, and introduction of special guest(s) if applicable.

3.     Reading of minutes of previous meeting.

4.     Correspondence sent and received, if any.

5.     Treasurer’s Report.

6.     Standing Committee Reports, if any.

7.     Special Committee Reports, if any.

8.     Unfinished business.

9.     New Business.

10.   For the Good of the Club.

11.   Adjourn

F.     Special Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the generally-accepted rules of parliamentary procedure. The order of business shall be:

1.     Call to order, and Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.

2.     Roll call of officers and introduction of special guest(s) if applicable

3.     Special order of business for which the meeting was called.

4.     Adjourn.

G     Voting shall be by voice vote unless a written ballot be directed by the presiding officer or has been called for from the floor. Unless a greater fraction is otherwise specified herein, a simple majority vote shall be sufficient to decide any question before the house.

Article VI

Officers and Executive Board

A.    The elected officers of the club shall be: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

B.    All Regular Members in good standing who have maintained their membership for one (1) year or more and all Life Members shall be eligible for any elected office.

C.    Elected officers shall serve a term of one (1) year, and will assume office as of the first day of the month next following their election.

D.    How nominated and elected.

1.     Nomination.

a.     Nominees for the ensuing year shall be presented by a nominating committee to the membership at the business meeting specified in Article V, §A.1. Nominees’ names shall also be published in the club newsletter.

b.     Nominations for the ensuing year may be made from the floor by any voting member in good standing.

2.     Election.

a.     Officers for the ensuing year shall be chosen by majority ballot of the voting membership present at the Annual Election Meeting.

b.     Prior to balloting, further nominations from the floor must be solicited.

c.     Voting shall be conducted by voice vote, unless a written ballot be directed or called for.

E.     Officers’ Duties and Responsibilities

1.     The President shall be the chief executive officer; shall be a voting member of the Executive Board; shall preside at all club business meetings and all meetings of the Executive Board; shall be the club’s spokesman in all matters of public discourse; and shall perform such other actions as the office may require.

2.     The Vice President shall assist the President in the performance of his duties; shall be a voting member of the Executive Board; shall perform the duties of President in the President’s absence or incapacity; and shall perform such other actions as the office may require.

3.     The Secretary shall conduct all club correspondence; shall keep the minutes of all meetings and submit the minutes of previous meetings to the appropriate body for approval; shall process and submit membership applications for approval; shall maintain a current up-to-date membership list; shall maintain the club’s archives; shall be a voting member of the Executive Board; and shall perform such other actions as the office may require.

4.     The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all club checking, savings, and cash accounts and other financial instruments; shall be empowered to sign all checks or other financial instruments on behalf of the club; shall maintain accurate, up-to-date records of all income and disbursements; shall report the club’s financial condition to the membership at regularly scheduled business meetings; shall submit the club’s books to the president for inspection not less often than quarterly; shall transfer the previous year’s financial records to the Secretary for deposit in the club’s archives as soon as practicable after the end of each Administrative Year; shall be a voting member of the Executive Board; and shall perform such other actions as the office may require.

E.        Executive Board

1      Membership. The following persons shall be voting members of the Executive Board:

a. President;

b. Vice President;

c. Secretary;

d. Treasurer; and

e. Not fewer than three (3) nor more than five (5) members appointed at large from the voting membership in good standing. At-large members shall be appointed by the elected members of the Executive Board, and shall serve a one (1) year term, renewable with the individual’s consent and subsequent Executive Board concurrence.

2.     Powers and Duties.

a.     The Executive Board shall:

1)     cause the provisions of these bylaws and all club rules and regulations to be faithfully executed;

2)     have the duty of keeping the club financially sound;

3)     approve all club functions and activities;

4)     appoint all committees;

5)     review and take appropriate action upon all new member applications;

6)     review and take appropriate action upon all dues discounts;

7)     review and take appropriate action upon all reductions or waiver of dues and fees for cause;

8)     review and take appropriate action upon questions of member suspension or expulsion and all questions of removing an elected officer from office;

9)     approve all instructors of, and fees to be paid for, courses of instruction;

10)   approve and submit to the membership all Life Membership nominees;

11)   discharge such other duties as shall have been directed by the membership or as the proper operation of the club may require.

b.     The Executive Board shall be empowered to appoint a voting member in any elected office which becomes vacant. Interim appointments of this nature shall become effective immediately and shall terminate on the last day of the month in which the next occurring annual meeting is held.

3.     Executive Board Meetings.

a.     The Executive Board shall meet not less than eight (8) times during: the Administrative Year at times and places which shall be convenient.

b.     Special meetings may be called by the President if necessary, and shall be called upon petition of five (5) or more voting members of the Executive Board.

c.     Five (5) voting members of the Executive Board, of whom one (1) must be a duly-elected club officer, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any regularly scheduled or special Executive Board meeting. Should a quorum not be present, those members in attendance shall be empowered to adjourn and to fix the date, time, and place for a subsequent meeting.

d.     The Executive Board shall be empowered to adopt such parliamentary procedures as may be most convenient for its deliberations.

e.     Any club member in good standing may attend Executive Board meetings, unless the Board has determined that the interests of the club or of any individual are best served by going into executive (closed) session. Club members in good standing may participate in open discussions, but shall not be empowered to vote on any question before the Board.

Article VII

Suspension and Expulsion

Removal from Office

A.   Club members may be suspended from membership or expelled from the club as may be determined by the Executive Board for willful disobedience to these By-laws, the club’s safety and other regulations, local ordinances, or any other statutory requirements.

1.     Suspension shall mean the temporary withholding of membership benefits and privileges, to include use of club facilities and ranges, and the right to hold office or to vote in club affairs. Members under suspension must surrender their access road gate and club house keys. Generally, suspension shall be for a limited time, e.g., thirty days, sixty days, six months, and so on; the duration of a period of suspension will be consonant with the seriousness of the offense. At the conclusion of the suspension imposed, the individual shall again be considered in good, standing, may hold the appropriate keys, may use club ranges and other facilities, and may vote in club affairs. The individual shall not be eligible to hold club office until six months have elapsed from the termination of the period of suspension, and may be considered on probation for the remainder of the year.

2.     Expulsion shall mean the permanent severance of the individual from the club in all particulars, and shall require the surrender of the individual’s membership card, and access road gate and club house keys. All dues or other fees paid to the club by an individual who is expelled shall be forfeit.

B.    The following offenses shall be grounds for suspension:

1.     Indictment for a crime of violence; if the indictment is withdrawn, or if the individual is found not guilty, reinstatement to membership in good standing shall be automatic, to be effective as of the date of imposition of the suspension;

2.     First willful violation of these by-laws or other club safety and range rules;

3.     Failure to immediately inform the club, by written communication to the secretary, of changes in the individual’s qualifications for membership, as set forth in Article IV §E, Bars to Membership.

C.       The following offenses shall be grounds for expulsion from the club:

1.     Conviction of violating the Fish and Game Laws;

2.     Conviction of a crime of violence;

3.     Theft of club property;

4.     Vandalism to club property.

5.     Repeated willful violation of these by-laws or other club safety and range rules.

6.     Failure to immediately inform the club, by written communication to the secretary, of changes in the individual’s qualifications for membership, as set forth in Article IV§E, Bars to Membership.

D.    Procedure.

1.     All persons facing suspension or expulsion shall be informed, in writing, of the charges, by who preferred, and the date, time, and place of the Executive Board meeting at which the matter will be considered. The person preferring charges and any witnesses shall also be informed of the date, time, and place of such meeting.

2.     Consideration of suspensions or expulsions shall take place in executive (closed) session.

3.     A ⅔ majority vote of the Executive Board members present and voting shall be required to sustain the charges and exact either suspension or expulsion from the club.

F.       Right of Appeal and Reinstatement.

1.     No appeal will be entertained if the suspension or expulsion is exacted for the violation of any statutory requirement.

2.     Any person expelled from the club or who is under suspension for other reasons may appeal the Executive Board’s decision by writing to the Secretary, requesting that the Executive Board’s decision be overturned by vote of the membership at a regularly-scheduled business meeting.

3.     Providing a quorum is present, ⅔ of the members present and voting upon any appeal must approve overturning the Executive Board’s decision in order to rescind the expulsion or suspension.

4.     The vote of the membership shall be final and binding.

5.     Providing an appeal has been filed, an expelled member may apply to rejoin the club after one calendar year has elapsed from the date of expulsion. A majority vote of the club shall be sufficient to reinstate an expelled member, and all other membership requirements must be met.

G.       Removal from Office

Any officer, committeeman, or Executive Board member may be removed from office upon petition of one or more members in good standing by:

1.     Submitting to the Executive Board, in writing and not less than 15 days prior to the next Executive Board meeting, the cause or causes why the individual should be removed from office.

2.     Presenting, in person or by mail, a written copy of the charges to the person whose removal is desired.

3.     The Executive Board shall notify the person whose removal is desired of the date, time, and place of the Executive Board meeting at which the matter will be considered. Such notification shall take place not less than 7 days prior to that meeting, and shall be accomplished using “Registered / Return Receipt” mail.

4.     Procedures and right of appeal shall in general follow those outlined above as regards suspension or expulsion.

Article VIII

Access to and Use of Club Facilities

A.      Access. All Regular Members in good standing may hold a key to the lock on the access road gate and the clubhouse. Other organizations, such as, Fire and Police Departments, or persons providing services, such as, rubbish removal or snow plowing may be provided with such keys with the approval of the Executive Board.

B.       Use of club facilities by other organizations shall require the prior review of and approval by the Executive Board.

Article IX

Termination and Dissolution of the Corporation

Should circumstances require the dissolution of the corporation; the following actions will be taken:

A.    Two-thirds of the Full Executive Board must vote to dissolve the corporation, and will set a date, time, and place for, a special club meeting to vote upon the question. The date shall be not less than thirty, or more than sixty days following the date of the Executive Board’s vote.

B.    The membership roll as of the date the Executive Board so votes shall be frozen; no additional new or reinstated members will be accepted.

C.    Each voting member on the membership rolls will be informed of the meeting by letter sent to their last known address as shown in the membership rolls; letters will be sent “Registered / Return Receipt / Deliver to Addressee Only,” and will contain the following:

1.     A clear statement of the circumstances which require the corporation’s dissolution;

2.     A postage-paid envelope addressed to the Secretary, or, if the office of Secretary is vacant, to another member designated by the Executive Board;

3.     A ballot for the individual voting member to mark and return. The ballot shall specify only two options: “Yes, dissolve the corporation” or “No, do not dissolve the corporation.” The individual’s name will appear on the ballot, and the member will be required to sign and date the ballot for authentication purposes. The secretary or another individual designated by the Executive Board will collect the ballots or cause them to be collected not earlier than three days prior to, nor later than the day of, the special meeting. Ballots shall not be opened until the special business meeting has been called to order.

D. The conduct of the meeting as called for in ‘A’ (above) shall include:

1.     A Treasurer’s report, setting forth the club’s up-to-date financial condition.

2.     The returned paper ballots shall be opened and tallied by the Secretary or another designated voting member, who may be assisted by one of more other members appointed for that purpose by the presiding officer.

3.     A roll-call vote will be conducted by the Secretary or designee. Voting shall be conducted by voice vote, and the Secretary or designee shall read the names and record the votes of all those who returned a mail ballot.

E. A two thirds majority affirmative vote of the total number of members present and voting plus the number of mail-in ballots received shall be necessary to dissolve the corporation.

F. In the event that the action to dissolve the corporation is sustained, all outstanding bills will be paid and all outstanding indebtedness satisfied. All statutory requirements in force at the time the vote is taken will be complied with.

Article X

Adoption and Amendments

A. Adoption. These By-laws shall be first approved by the Executive Board and submitted to the voting membership at a regular business meeting or special business meeting called for that purpose. A ⅔ majority of the voting members present and voting at such a meeting shall be sufficient to adopt these By-laws, which shall take effect immediately upon receipt of the required vote.

B.  Amendments or Revisions.

1.     Amendments of or revisions to these By-laws may be proposed by any voting member in good standing.

2.     All such proposals must be first submitted in writing to the Executive Board for approval; if approved, the proposed amendment shall be disseminated to the membership at large not less than thirty (30) days preceding a club meeting at which the proposal shall be voted upon.

3.     The text of any amendment or revision as approved by the Executive Board may not be further amended when brought before the membership; it must be adopted or rejected as it stands.

4.     Provided a quorum is present, ⅔ of the voting members present and voting at a club meeting must vote to adopt any amendment of or revision to these By-laws as may have been previously approved by the Executive Board.

5.     Should a proposed amendment or revision be rejected, but might be acceptable if itself amended, the modified amendment or revision will be returned to the Executive Board for further deliberation, and resubmission to the membership at a later time if the modified amendment or revision receives Executive Board approval.

6.     Amendments to or revisions of these By-laws shall be effective immediately upon adoption by the required ⅔ vote or as may be specified in the amendment or revision.

Article XI


A. The invalidity of any part or parts of these By-laws shall extend only to that part or those parts in question, and shall not invalidate these By-laws as a whole.

B. The club has, by the required vote of the membership, adopted By-laws on the following dates:

March 15, 2007             (current)

A True Copy:

attest: Patricia Neff, Secretary

Reviewed and Printed: November 18, 2004